Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's my 100th post!- My favorite song.

I just realized that today I am posting my 100th post.  I think I was a lot more excited about this milestone when I was posting at Joeuser, but hey, it's a milestone nevertheless.

My friend Nadine is doing a 30 day blog post where she blogs about something different every day for a month...I'll see if I keep it up.

Day one: Favorite Song.

Hands down, without-a-doubt, favorite song ever and probably for the rest of my life is.....Elton Johns's "I Guess that's why they call it the Blues"

If you have never heard it, you can listen to it here.  It's not a video, but I couldn't find the audio anywhere else.

Many years ago, I was once in the Army and stationed at the Presidio for Language training. I happened to be dating a fantastically amazing guy. One of those once-in-a-lifetime kind of guys, you know? (happy thoughts!) Back to the story-One night about midnight, we started talking about how as kids, Saturday mornings were reserved for sugary cereal and cartoons. (Yes, oh young ones, way back in the day, we had 5 channels, rabbit ears and cartoons ONLY on Saturday mornings!)

We were having so much fun that we decided to walk to Safeway and pick up some supplies so we could recreate our childhood! (Back then, we walked everywhere! We had no car!)

We were in the middle of picking our favorite sugar shock (mine was Golden Grahams and he loved Lucky Charms), when he started to drag me through the isles and start looking around like a madman.  It says something about how much I liked him because I didn't run away from him!  He finally stopped and  took the basket and put it aside.

He took me in his arms, right there in the middle of Safeway and started to dance with me.  That's when I realized he was looking for a speaker to stand under!  He sang in a quiet voice as he held me close.  The world just melted away.  I couldn't have told you if we had an audience or not, but it was a magical moment.

And still today, anytime we hear the opening notes, Matt will sweep me into his arms and croon as we dance around the floor.

Connor hates romance, but Maddie loves to see us together....This was the song we danced to at our wedding, but more priceless than that moment was the first dance...the one in the middle of the night at a grocery store in California.


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Photos of the Heart by Dana Stone, Photos of the Heart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.