Monday, April 8, 2013

The Bassingthwaite Clan - Photos of the Heart Family Photographer

I confess that one of the reasons that I love being a photographer is my poor memory. I routinely forget stuff….not just what I ate for breakfast or where the car keys are, but BIG stuff. Turns out that I have a disorder that makes it hard for me to create long term memories. But when I have a photo, I remember how I felt when I created it, what was going on that day, and all the happy memories too!

So when Crystal wrote a note about working with me, I had to laugh. I couldn't have told you where or when we met originally, but I know that I love her family! I do remember our first shoot together; it was a rainy day and could not be rescheduled. I was TERRIFIED that the shoot would be a disaster....but we played and even braved the wet weather to get an amazing shoot. They were so amazing that I still have her family pictures on my marketing files and business cards! I have since met up with her family for more pictures and have been impressed with what a great job she has done with her children.  They are loving and kind to each other and love being a family....I'll shoot her family any day of the week.

So here is what she said….
I met Dana from Photos of the Heart back in 2007 when I was at the park trying to get a picture of my kids with my point and shoot. She offered to take a picture of myself and my kids and said she was a photographer. 

I had never used a professional photographer before or had pictures taken because my youngest son has autism and can be VERY tough to photograph. I decided to give her a shot and had family pictures taken with her while my husband was home on R & R. They were way beyond my expectations. 

Dana not only got great shots of my kids but made having their pictures taken FUN! Dana gets down on the kids level and makes them laugh, smile and just enjoy themselves. And if she can make my son Carter laugh and smile for a picture than she can get a great shot of any kid. 

I highly recommend her as a photographer as she's just a great person who not only knows photography but "gets" kids.


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Creative Commons License
Photos of the Heart by Dana Stone, Photos of the Heart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.