Sunday, September 16, 2007

Short Term Memory Girl Strikes Again

So I woke up and realized that with Matt's recent departure that payday was on Friday...I was supposed to pay bills! EEEKKK!

I logged on, hoping that I could get everything paid before there was a late charge. Sometimes my bank can take a buisness day or two to get an online payment completed...or maybe it's the creditors? Anyway, I logged on to my bank account and .....

Panicked! There was nowhere near enough money in the account to cover our bills. What happened? How could we be so low the day after payday?? A little research cleared it up.

I already paid them.

I have absolutely no recollection of paying anything, but there it was in black and white. I checked my excel budget spreadsheet and there it was too. A payday fairy had done my work for me! (Short Term Memory Girl Strikes Again!)

I also realized why we ran out of money before Matt left. The silly payday fairy accidentally set the mortage payment to process BEFORE we were paid. Normally this isn't a big deal, since I *try* to keep extra money in the account, but with vacation and new wheels for the Goat...well, we don't have a squishy buffer anymore.

But we have more than I thought.


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